Here is another testimony book; I hope you like this one!
Anyways, its January 22, 2016 here in Alaska. It's cold, feels like there is ice in the wind, and there is snow on the ground. Sometimes I day dream about the summer. Being able to sit outside on the porch in the nice warm sun. Feeling it adsorb through my skin. The smile on my face as I lay there. Being able to go out on my bike and ride with my music blaring. The dirt crunching under my feet. Being able to drive with the windows down. The warmth and being able to live on my own in the house with no heat.
The memories are bliss.
There is also that thought of knowing that I am following God's path and that I am going to be moving to Texas, when I get the paper that says I am excepted of course, and the smile when I am going to be in a new place with a new self. That's here in the future though so for now, I am going to be writing what God want's me to write. Granted it may not be fictional stories yet but I have been asking to help people.
So here I am, again.
For the past few weeks, I have been listening to metal because my close friend does. Don't get me wrong, I love metal! It's beautiful (In my eyes) but when someone hears it all the times seems to me that they have anger issues. I know I do! I know that a lot of the metal has been blinded by the world. There is only a few that inflict God into their lyrics which is why Christian Metal heads need to be careful to what they listen to. Which is both easy and hard in itself.
I found myself missing God and being with him. I remember the summer when I had came back home from school and realized that, "Hey, I need to get closer to God so that I won't make the same mistakes that I have made back in school and that I can teach others,"
Which is what I had done. I had drawn closer to Him, talked to him nearly every day and smiled to him. I was changing which is a very good thing. I wrote down verses, listened to His beautiful music and also read my Bible. Now though, I don't do much of that. It's time to change that.
So I put on a calendar, I found that I fallow them a lot better. So I put down my water fast along with reading 1 Corinthians until the end of the month which is about 11 days. I am going to continue this into February as well. I am going to become a better person and to also draw closer to my Lover, Jesus Christ.
I miss Him and I know that He misses me.
Just remember my friends that He loves you dearly!